Authorized name: Völgyerdő Nonprofit Kft.
Seat: HUNGARY, Magyar utca 5, 8821 Nagybakónak
Registration number: 20-09-076239
Tax  number: 26545738-2-20


1. Service

The object of the service is the WorkSheet, InvoicePad, InventoryManager, CustomerRegister and TireHotel software (hereinafter called software) and its modules lease for use (hereinafter called service) and provision of supplementary services to the software. The User is liable for paying a single and an annual licence fee for particular functions. The user right for use is always valid for the latest version of the software under the conditions laid down in the Terms and Conditions (hereinafter called GTC).The User task and responsibility is to upgrade the software. The latest version can be downloaded from the software official website (

2. Application

The User acknowledges the conditions of the GTC and accepts its provisions. By accepting the Agreement the User confirms that he got the appropriate information and after a separate notice accepts the conditions.

3. Use

After buying the software license the User got a not transferable, fixed-term right to use particular modules without restriction with fixed terms (hereinafter called licence right). In case of necessity a backup copy can be made with own data for only security or archiving purpose. The activated software or the activating code, getting from the Provider, cannot be transferred to a third party without the Provider's written authorisation.


4. Annual license fee

For the right to use the software and the ordered modules without restrictions the User is liable to pay the annual fee per computer that lasts for a year and should pay in advance. The starts date is the date of the license ordering. For further computers till the end of the given year only the proportionally part shall be paid. Without paying the annual license fee and without reactivating the software its automatically become inactivated status. The reactivating can be done in 1 month before and 3 months after the expiration date. If you don't renew the license within 3 months after the expiration date, the licence will expires and can be reactivated after paying the single license fee again.


5. Installation

The inactivated version of the software can be downloaded for free of charge from the WorkSheet software's official website ( It can be installed in unlimited number for unlimited pieces of computers. One company can install only one software for one computer, but different companies can install the software for the same computer. A virtual computer shall be considered separate computer.

6. Free or inactivated software

Some components of the free Software can be used without limitation, other components can be used only with limitations. Some components of the commercial Software can be used only with limitations.

7. Activating and its criteria

During the activating the Provider sends a code, containing letters and numbers (hereinafter called activating code) to the User. The activating code activates the right of using the software and/or its modules for a given period of time in any form. It depends on the User's ordered right. By typing the code to the installed but not activated software or to the already activated software, the activating code activates the defined module or the software itself for a given period of time. The activated module or software can be used without restriction within a certain period of time, defined by the code. Criteria of the activating: settled payment of the ordered modules' or the software single license fees and the payment of the annual fees in advance. The activating should be done in every installed software.

8. Restriction of the multiple activating

The activating code provided to the software afford on one computer only one activating. The activating code multiple use is not allowed.

9. Activated software

The legally activated software can use for one year for any legal purposes. The software will become the inactivated status after the license expire and the restrictions will become as active as before the activation that can be off again after reactivating the software.


10. Data transmission between different WorkSheet software

Every WorkSheet softwares can open each others databases. Software running in client mode can only connect to databases with same version number running in server mode. So the software updating should do at the installed client and at server instances as well. The updating should always start with program running in server mode and after for clients.

11. Technical Support

During the license agreement the User gets a technical support if the annual license fee is settled. The license and the technical support can be renewed in every year by paying the annual fee for the related product. In case of amendment of the contract (for example program extending) the expiration date of the license and the technical support will not change even if a new GTC is signed. Technical support includes the following:

  • Customer service
  • Bug fixes
  • Improvements
  • Legal changes monitoring
  • Monitoring java base system changes
  • Monitoring operation system changes
  • Making software updates

12. Liability and compensation

In no event shall the Provider be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software product. The Provider not guarantees that the software satisfies all the User's needs. The Provider liabilities concern to only the content of the agreement. The amount of the compensation cannot exceed the amount of the price, paid for the software product.

13. Validity, notice

The license right is entitled to the User from the invoice date till the termination of the contract. The User can terminate the license right by destroying the software and all of its copies. For further rights the Provider can terminate the license right and can prohibit the further use of the software if the User violates the rules of the GTC. In this case the User is obliged to destroy the software and all of its copies and the license right terminates.

14. Program Error and report of it

The User notice with the acceptance of the GTC, that the Provider does its best to eliminate software errors. The complexity of the software, the development of the systems and operating systems and the subjective aspects of the errors can cause some problem even after a thorough testing. The User should notice the Provider if an error occur and should help with information about the circumstances of the error and should try to reproduce the error. Fixing the error is possible only at the seat of the Provider. Only the provider has the right to determinate an error. If the error is proved not to be a program error, the User will be obliged to pay for the analysis and also to pay for the solving of the problem according to the current tariffs of the Provider.

15. Collection of software usage information

In this GTC the User contributes to that the Provider collect anonym information about the use of the software. Information can be:

  • Name, type and version number of the software
  • Unique identification number that comes into exist at installation and can not identify the User
  • Type of the operation system
  • Java version
  • The listing of the used software component

The Provider undertakes that will use the information only for software development, for user experience improvement and for error eliminating. And also undertakes that information will not be shared with third parties, personal data won't be determined and software usage information will not contain information from the program database.

16. Copyright

The software is protected by copyright license agreements and international treaty provisions. Without the Provider written authorization is strictly forbidden to analyse, modify the internal operation or structure, to decrypt the source code. It is also forbidden to sequester and to use the closed coded part of the software and to distribute or to use as a part of other software.

17. Modification of conditions

The Provider can modify the conditions of the GTC, if the User gets written information in one month before the modification. If the User does not terminate the agreement according to rules till the modification date, he will be treated according to the previous conditions.


Any matter not covered by the agreement shall apply the existing legislation.

This General Terms and Conditions come into force on 5.9.2016.



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