freight 3 en

Freight 3

Transport register software

For recording and invoicing transports, vehicles, drivers and customers.

Easy-to-use software for keeping track of your freights, cars, drivers, customers, products. It can automatically create invoces from the freights. The tables can be customized and extended with custom columns. Almost all off the tables can be exported to different file formats (XLS, CSV, HTML, PDF).You can set notifications for deadlines, clone ad reuse freights, create many different printouts and attach files to the records.

Advanced features

E-mail lists

E-mails, using personalized templates.


Create invoices for the completed job cards easily and quickly.

Data recovery

Almost every table can be saved in XLS, PDF, CSV and TXT formats.


Generate barcodes for products and options.

Changes in Released Versions

Freight (2024.02.29)

- Encrypted database connection.
- Enhanced server password protection.
- Site address type.
- Invoice cloning.
- Fix for online invoice submission issues.
- "Save Only" option when creating invoices.
- Larger icons.
- Undo function for text fields (undo: Ctrl+Z, redo: Ctrl+Y shortcuts).
- The program displays the computer's name in the footer when operating in server mode.
- Improve email sending: the program should not freeze when processing many email addresses.
- Improve email sending: if there are no fields to fill in the template, send it as a single email.
- Improve email sending: send emails sequentially instead of in parallel.
- Warn when saving emails if too many email addresses cannot be stored.
- Keep track of which emails were successfully sent to which email addresses and allow retrying failed attempts.
- Clicking on the clock icon in the date field should not change the year.
- Setting in the invoice module: if there's no window, allow setting to either print or save only.
- When saving/sending a bilingual invoice, use English for the file name.
- Include item descriptions in the online invoice system.
- Display of cash flow statement label on the invoice.
- Write the billing address on the cash receipt instead of the central address, if such an address is set.
- The invoice email template does not fill in the money amount fields (net value, etc.) when sending.
- Automatically capitalize the first character of the name, address, etc., in the address field.
- Fix: preserve the location of the save during form saving.
- Expand the item and invoice modules with a data deletion code and the automatic submission of the data deletion code.
- Proper formatting of values in dropdown lists for unique, fractional, or currency fields.
- If the item list is rearranged, the program should clear the table sorting.
- Fix reverse sorting in the name dropdown list in the product editor window.
- Fix the date picker: it was not possible to change the year.
- Do not allow loading databases in client mode.
- In the statistics, the start and end date should be the same if one day is selected.
- Speed up the email editor.
- Files opened in Windows (e.g., PDF) cannot be attached.
- Fix editing in the deadline module's incoming invoice quick menu.
- The program should not disable the automatic login option in case of failed connection.
- Warn if two businesses are registered with the same name or tax number.

Freight (2023.08.23)

- Significantly faster table loading.
- Improved automatic selection in tables.
- Smarter artificial intelligence (Chat GPT 4).
- Following changes in NAV online invoice.

Freight (2023.05.25)

- Fix: the left frame was missing on immediately printed invoices.
- In number format settings, only formats used for input should be selectable.
- Feedback on successful operation when saving invoices to files.
- Display the client's country code everywhere if different from the set country.
- Fix: seller and buyer settings were swapped in warehouse form settings.
- If email sending fails, do not indicate it was sent and do not save to sent items.
- 20-point font size in the program.
- "Attach to record" button in form preview.
- Adjustable line breaks instead of truncation in PDF exports.
- A white tick on the right side for selected messages in the Assistant module.
- Smart paste for address fields.
- Form window disappears after sending an email.
- "Exactly" should be checked by default in the number searcher.
- Fix: if the central filter field is filled out and not all fields are enabled during export where there is filtering, the export does not work.

The benefits of customizable software

Our customizable software allows you to configure and tailor the software to meet your individual needs and business requirements. As a result, your business can become much more efficient and productive, and take full advantage of the possibilities offered by our software.

The benefits of customizable software include:

  • Increased productivity: you can customize the software to best fit your unique workflows and tasks, making your work much more efficient and effective.

  • More flexible: customizable software allows you to modify the software in the future to meet new requirements and needs.

  • Reduced stress: you can tailor the software to your unique preferences and work style, making your work less stressful and more enjoyable.


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Statistik created: 2025-02-19T21:34:30+01:00